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Sometimes it’s difficult for us to concentrate on important tasks in a world full of information. We spend time, but don’t get the desired result. For those who have faced such a problem, we have a checklist on how to maintain productivity.

 “The most important point of high productivity and motivation is the realization that nothing will work out right away”

Any goal requires time and effort. But if you approach this issue in an organized manner, you will achieve positive results in everything you do. Here are 6 tips to help you with this:

  • Create a “to-do” list. Don’t try to keep everything in mind. Pour them onto paper or into the scheduler. The fewer thoughts in our minds about unfulfilled matters, the more we are able to focus on the current task, and the better we can accomplish it.
  • Do the most important thing first. It seems to be simple. But in practice it turns out that we are often busy not with the most important things, putting off important things “for later”. Make it a rule: first the main thing, and then everything else.

  • Make a plan for the day from the evening. Do not delay planning in the morning or by itself. Very simple advice, but it really helps not to get bogged down in unimportant matters and correctly prioritize.

  • Strive for multitasking. Don’t try to do everything at once. Choose a task, remove distractions (TV, phone, Internet, tea-coffee-smoke break every 5 minutes) and just do it.

  • Save files immediately to where they belong. For this, you will need, of course, to consider a file storage system for each type. But this will greatly facilitate the search and processing of information in the future.

  • Choose an inspirational quote of the day in the morning and keep it in your head throughout the day. As soon as you need additional motivation, think about it. This way you will always have at least something that will cheer you up. And stop thinking badly about yourself. You are a unique person.

Follow these easy rules and reach new tops!