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TestMyOffers is a modern leading tool that will make your work much easier. Using our service, you can achieve amazing results with a few clicks.


Today is a new chapter in our growth. We glad to inform you about our new partner – Affise. From June, 4 we are available on Affise platform. With TestMyOffers and Affise, you’ll forget about the routine and difficult work of tracking user traffic. For mobile marketing offers check is an indispensable feature that will save a lot of time and effort.

Also this brings a long-awaited opportunity to use our API tests for everyone. Let us to do all your work! There are just few steps to set up and start using our plugin.

To make our service more affordable we reduced the pricing on API tests. Check it in the tab “PRICES”.

TestMyOffers’ team is always in the process of finding new solutions for our clients!

Stay with us to get more!